May 03, 2018

When it comes to cyber threats, many business owners, both large and small, are a target. Unfortunately, too many business owners take the approach that it’ll never happen to them or that their company isn’t big enough.

With the recent influx of news stories about serious data breaches, it’s not just the bottom line that gets impacted after a data breach.  Brand image, which can have lasting revenue impacts, can also be compromised.

While hacks affecting the largest businesses are often reported in the news, hackers can target any size business. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security reports that 31% of all cyber-attacks are directed at businesses with less than 250 employees.

More than a quarter of companies surveyed had no response plan in place if a data breach did occur. Three out of four small to medium-sized businesses impacted by a data breach often struggle or even fail to recover.

In the digital age, security breaches are becoming a fact of life. We’re here to help you manage that risk.

#1 Know What to Protect

Do you accept credit cards from customers? Do you have a company e-mail list for newsletters? Where and how is this information stored?

You need to protect your customer’s data.

#2 Password Policy

Put a plan in place to create and manage your password policy. This should include requirements enforcing password complexity rules, specifically address not using easy to crack passwords. For instance using passwords such as, “password1” or “Pa$$w0rd” easily accessed. You should also put a timeframe around password changes.


#3 Virus Protection

There are hundreds of virus and spam protection options available. If you haven’t already, find one that works for you and keep it up-to-date.

#4 Have a Plan

Have a plan and discuss it with employees. Include them in any data security efforts and training. If a data security problem does occur, your business and staff will be prepared for what needs to happen next!

#5 Get Covered

You probably insure your business against threats from fire, theft, and natural disasters. As our business, employees, and customers continue to rely more on digital technologies, you need to add cyber liability to your insurance program.

TRICOR Insurance is an independent agency with access to many regional and national insurance carriers that can help protect your business from security threats and their impacts. Our expert agents help review your current business practices to help you minimize your business risks. At TRICOR we’re more than just selling insurance. We’re about creating a partnership in


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